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Photo courtesy of T. Ueda (All Rights Reserved)
PART 5 Her Final Flight . . . on a Crane !
It took a while to come up with a way to get the Flightdeck into the Log Cabin as the access wasn't easy. We had several ideas but most were too expensive, £8,000 to lift
it over the house is one example, The people we hired the Forklift from put us
in touch with a PRO-LIFT SOLUTIONS that had a smaller crane which could do the job.
September 2nd was the date set ... Just one day ahead of our deadline at the Scout Hut !

As John had built the Log Cabin before deciding to buy a real Flightdeck.
We needed to remove the Roof and support beams to allow it to be Craned in.
Luckily we had screwed all the roof planks on rather than using nails.

Unfortunately this also meant destroying and replacing all the Roof Shingles.
(John's brother Martin seen removing the roof).

The Day of the Lift, the guys first went to the Scout hut and lifted her off
the Trolley and onto a small flat bed Truck

They then Positioned the Crane in the Entry to lift it over two
neighbours Gardens and into the Log Cabin.

Ready to Lift ... can you Spot the Flightdeck ?

John's Long Suffering partner Allyson and Dog Oscar
watch from the Upstairs room.

Her Final Flight !

Swinging over two neighbours Gardens.

Nearly there !

As they guided her into the Cabin you can see how complex
the underneath is, with all the cables and wires.

She was lowered onto Railway sleepers so that we could work on the underside later,
initially on 3 Sleepers which turned out to be too high (More later).
We were amazed at the precision of these guys, all done by talking to the Crane Driver by Radio.

Finally in her new home !

Next, they lifted the two Toilet blocks into the Garden.

By the end of the day everything was in and covered, we now had
a Junk heap of parts in the Garden, Shed and Loft all ready for the re-build.

Seen from above when we put to Roof planks back on.

Looking a bit dusty and in need of a re-paint
Time to give her the T.L.C. she deserves !
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