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Photo courtesy of Nigel Garrigan (All Rights Reserved)
PART 1 The Original 747 Simulator
The Simulator owner (John Davis) had a Homebuilt Boeing 747 Simulator which he ran for Ten years at his home. (Photo above)
The original software ran on older computers and both the software and hardware was in need of upgrade as problems were more frequent due to its age, New software was available but as John was moving house the sad decision was made to close the Simulator and hopefully re-build it .
That re-build would turn out to be bigger than we could have imagined !

The Old Simulator was featured in many TV Programs, Newspapers and Magazine articles,
some serious and some not. A lot of interest was shown worldwide.

The Simulator was also used by many Pilots practicing for Airline Assements.
A lot of them are still friends with John to this day.

When the New Software Aerowinx Precision Simulator (PSX) became available it was decided that an even better Simulator could be built especially as it featured easy networking, and has ability to interface with real aircraft parts. PSX is easily the best software around to simulate all the systems of the Boeing 747-400 and after testing (Above) the decision to re-build was made.
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